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How Florists Greensborough Associate Happiness With Flowers

As Humans we have been cultivating the flowers for their beauty, scent and ceremonial importance for over 5,000 years. There are so many other beautiful things around us but why are we so inclined towards flowers? Florists Greensborough believe that it has to do with the close link that we have established between flowers and happiness. The following text elaborates on the impact that flowers have on our emotional state.

The Colour and Scent of Flowers:-

Colour and scent of flowers play a major role in the sensory perception and have surprising effects on human emotion and cognition.

  • It has been claimed that the colour red has significant effect on the performance on detail oriented tasks.
  • Whereas, blue has claimed to enhance creative thinking.

The pleasant scents of flowers major contributors to the overall improvement in mood by increasing calmness and alertness.

The Direct Relation of Flowers with Emotional Wellbeing:-

Florist Greensborough place emphasis on the direct association of flowers with our emotional wellbeing. Studies show that people who received flowers showed:-

  • Increases signs of happiness.
  • Decreased signs of anxiety and negativity.
  • Increased feelings of compassions and kindness.
  • 12% rise in productivity.
  • 81% decrease in depression.

It has also been observed that adding flowers to a work place resulted in:-

  • More enthusiasm in the work place
  • Increased feelings of compassion and kindness towards others.

If you require the expert services of Florists Greensborough for any occasion, you are more than welcome to contact us at Floral Hub by phone on 1300 1555 15 or email info@floralhub.com.au.