The Different Types of Bouquet Arrangements that a Florist Point Cook Should be Aware Of
Selecting the right flowers for a particular arrangement is often not enough. One has to be able to distinguish the different types of Bouquet arrangements as well, with respect to the occasion or purpose. The following text elaborates on the different bouquet arrangements that a Florist Point Cook can offer.
Composite Bouquet:-
This arrangement looks a one giant flower if seen from a distance. However, after a closer examination it can be seen that the arrangement is a made up of hundreds of petals wired together to give it its unique look.
Posy Banquet:-
Florist Point Cook consider this arrangement as the most common, because it is round, small and easy to handle. The natural stems are wrapped around in a satin velvet with pearl pins and trims.
The Ballerina Bouquet:-
This arrangement is brought together with masses of tulle and netting and fewer flowers.
The Basket Bouquet:-
The arrangement is made up of a variety of garden flowers arranged in a shallow basket.
The Cascade Bouquet (Shower Bouquet):-
The Cascade or Shower Bouquet consists of long stemmed flowers and foliage that is carried cradled in the arms.
Wreath or Flower Hoop Bouquet:-
This is a simple gathering of flowers tied with a ribbon leaving the stem exposed or left outside.
If you require the expert services of Florists Point Cook for any occasion, you are more than welcome to contact us at Floral Hub by phone on 1300 1555 15